Friday 3 July 2015

Story~Unveiled thoughts

Have you ever read someone?
Have someone ever read you the way that you feel naked?
Yes, i feared some eyes
The one that told me they could read me..
read all the hidden stories of me..
the reasons behind the way i am..
the mysteries of the mourning eyes
the depth of the tears that roll out..
the pain that grumbles my belly
and the sigh i take each time i see love..

and then one day..
amidst all the theories of life..
i found that nakedness..
the fear..
Like someone just peeled off the veil i was wearing..
When amongst a group of people..
Me, a left out in a conversation..
a bunch of people discussing relationships and the pros n cons.
laughing at the silliness and cursing the pain..
in that constant discussion..
all i was reminded of was you!
When someone said how she was proposed.. the dinner setup and the exclamation..
... You were somewhere running ur hands on my waistline.. and striking ur breaths against my neck.. with a smile and a kiss.. i was breathing serenity..

When the girl next to me said how her boyfriend took her out for shopping and she bought that lovely dress..
.. You were somewhere sitting in the corner of my bed and playing with my dupatta.. trying to get it back when i rush into you.. you wrapped it around me and held  me into your arms....

When my bestfriend's boyfriend started boasting of making the most amazing coffee for her ..
.. You were somewhere in the kitchen with me, making that mango shake which you exclaimed you are good at, and me laughing at the mess you had created..
you pulling me close and making me lick the only drops of it sticking on ur face..

When someone was sharing her breakup story and the way she went through the torture..
.. you were not talking to me, for not picking up your call once.. and then running into me the moment you saw me.. saying i can handle your tortures but not the distances..

Looking at this bunch as i smiled to myself...
A friend just looked at me and said..
'You really really loved him so much?? I can look at him.. when i see you.."

-Nisha Garg

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Story~तेरा शेहेर

वो शेहेर तेरा मुझे आज भी बुलाता है
तू रूठा हुआ है.. मगर वो रोज़ मनाता है
दोहराता है किस्से वो तेरे
तेरा इश्क़ जताता है
मुझे तेरी रुस्वाई दिखा कर
एक लम्हा फिर तड़पाता है..

तकता है मुझे कभी
कभी 'खूबसूरत' बुलाता है
कभी नाज़ों से मुझे
पलकों पे बिठाता है
भर देता है मुझमें ज़िन्दगी
और ख़ुशी की अदा लाता है..

सपने देता है हज़ार
और पल में मुकर जाता है..

बाँधने लगा है मुझसे तार कोई
जोड़ता है आरज़ू.. हर बार कोई
नब्ज़ मेरी टटोल कर
ख्वाहिश पढता है वो
आँखों में मेरे खीशियों की
रज़ा ढूंढता है वो..

कभी दौड़ पड़ता है मेरे संग
कभी वक़्त भी ठेहेर जाता है
सुबहों और शामो के रंग वही
बारिश और यादों के संग वहीं
आशियाना मेरा सजा जाता है..

कहता है तेरा शेहेर मुझसे
इश्क़ मैंने किया था
उस पे ऐतबार न करना था
मुझमें जीना था तुझे
उसका इंतज़ार न करना था

आशिकी पे दिल्ली की
भर आतें हैं अरमां मेरे
पास बुला कर.. दिल बहला कर..
कहता है तेरा शेहेर मुझे
'की तुझे प्यार न करना था!'

-Nisha Garg

Friday 10 April 2015

Where am i?

Where am i?
Above this white cloud.. that flows freely
to never return..

or in these rain.. touched drop by drop..

between those stars.. which shine.. and grant wish to all the broken hearts..

or in this darkness.. lost in my own desires..

..Where am i?

beneath all these heavy lies thrown over my being..

in that little truth .. that is left untold..

in lost trails of love..

or in the new found whispers of solitude..

Between those small reliefs..

or in those fear of worldly things..

In small moments of happiness..

Or .. may be..

i am amongst all these.. i am on the road.. to where i belong..

my soul asks me.. often..

Where am i??

-Nisha Garg

Saturday 14 March 2015


अक्सर मैंने लोगों को सपने wallpaper पे save करते देखा है..
Mobile phone में जैसे ही रौशनी होती है..
लोगों की आँखें चमकते देखा है..

दूर कहीं पहाड़ों पे बर्फ की टोपी सी तस्वीर थी किसी के फ़ोन पे..
गौर से उसे देखते हुए वो लड़का मुस्कुरा रहा था..
एक पल को सोचने लगा कुछ वो ..
और फिर फ़ोन पॉकेट में दाल कर चल दिया..

एक पुरानी सी तस्वीर थी उन अंकल के फ़ोन पे..
जवानी में कहीं दोस्तों के साथ बैठे चाय पिटे हुए..
4 दोस्त थे.. उनमें से एक वो..
मैंने उनसे पूछा "Uncle कब की है ये फ़ोटो??"
हलकी सी हँसी के साथ कहने लगे..
"College में थे हम.. पेपरों का आखरी दिन था.. canteen में बैठे हम 4.. आगे की सोच रहे थे..
क्या पता था.. इतने आगे निकल आएंगे.. की सब कुछ पीछे छूट जायेगा!"

मैंने उनसे पूछा.. "अब कहाँ हैं आपके दोस्त? बात नहीं होती?"

उन्होंनें हंस के कहा "सब आगे की सोच में हैं.. पीछे मुड़ के देखने का वक़्त नहीं रहा अब.. मशरूफ हैं सब.. कभी कभी बात हो जाती है..
पर वो बात जो तब थी.. अब नहीं होती!"

मैं सोच में रह गयी.. और देखती रही उनकी तरफ..
उन्होंने mobile की light off की..
मेरे सर पे हाथ रख के मुस्कुराये.. और चल पड़े अपने घर को..

फिर एक दिन मेरी एक friend की cell पे एक couple की फ़ोटो देखि..
एक दूजे को थामे हुए.. मुस्कुरा रहे थे..
बड़ी प्यारी फ़ोटो थी वो..
मैंने उससे पूछा "ये कौन है?"
उसने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा.. "यही तो है वो.. अच्छे लगते हैं न हम साथ में?"
मैंने उसकी तरफ देखते हुए कहा "हाँ! बोहोत प्यारे लगते हो! पर ऐसे क्यों देख रही हो अभी इस फ़ोटो को?"

उसने कहा.. "अब हम साथ नहीं.. वो चला गया!"

"और तुम?"

"मैं वहीं रह गयी.. उसी के पास.. बस खुद को देख रही हूँ!!"


कितना कुछ केहतें हैं.. ये phone के wallpapers..
कितने सपनों को थामें रखतें हैं..

जानें कितने लोग इन्हें ख़ुशी से बदलते होंगे और कितने हार कर..

-Nisha Garg

Friday 27 February 2015

StoryOfMyLife~ '..When love happens'

I just got ready to be out that day..
Flushing out every mild thought that kept stirring inside me.
Killing the consciousness and bringing reality into me.
The illusions of love that i had shortly lived.
The small little infinity that echoed in my world.
The majestic world of love and pain.

After bitter days of truth and illusions.
Oblivious to my own self now.
I bind myself as proper as i could.
And set myself onto journeys ahead.

Smiling.. geeking.. Anxious.. Naughty.. Me.
Fun to be around.
A little favourite. A little of hate.
The shades of me. Enlightened.

And then..
Just when the magic was on..

That hint of him flowed..
That deep breaths.
Those dreamy eyes.
That warm blanket of love..
Like the obvious was back..
The him. The me. The us.

Something made me weak inside.
Before i could feel anything..
A little drop of me.. touched my cheeks..
And i knew its him.

The faint tune playing nearby.
The tones of which made love.
The music which was defined by Us.

You can't let go.
You just carry that love along with you.
Sometimes.. That's all you are left with..

When love happens..
.. sometimes .. love is all you are left with..

-Nisha Garg

Wednesday 25 February 2015

I surrendered to you..

Nobody wanted my demons
They all wanted the angels in me
& because you caressed my demons..
I surrendered to you..

Nobody wanted my anger
They all took my smile
& because you could take all my tortures..
I surrendered to you..

Nobody wanted my ego..
They all saw the kindness..
& the way u still smiled on my attitude..
I surrendered to you..

Nobody wanted my Selfishness..
They all saw my care..
& because u could read the urges..
I surrendered to you..

The voice my heart spoke
The truth that my eyes revealed
Nobody could read me..
& when u felt me inside out..
I Surrendered.. to you..

-Nisha Garg

Monday 19 January 2015

Some things..

There are things that break you off.
The things you break all your norms for.
You hit the road less travelled.
You fight with self and others.
You hit hard on life and push things far beyond potentialities.
Rough. Dusky. Nuisance.
Defiant. Desolate. Chaos.
You become all.
Because there are things you want to make happen.
The things that become the very core of you.

You push off your limits.
Throw away the needs.
Back up from people.
Leave the world to rest.
And work on it.
Because there are things more important than anything else.
The things that make you important.

But may be this is how things are.
May be this is how the life is.
Some things aren't meant for you.
No matter how hard..
No matter how willing you are..
No matter the world.

May be
There are things that aren't meant to happen.
May be
This was one.

I won't forget this thing..
this day..
What it took from me..
How everything went away..

-Nisha Garg