Monday 8 December 2014

Blogging happened

By now almost everyone has put a hand on trying this blogging thing..
some tried to write & are regular with wording the thoughts..
Some just made an attempt to sound cool..
Some people took it as a way to be popular and posted stuff made for the masses..
Blogging has eventually erupted as means of providing all brain nurtured stuff to readers..

I too tried tying myself to this knot.. but couldn't..
for lack of seriousness.. for lack of stability..
basically a lack of commitment.. to stay intact with something.. and keep coming back to it.. when the world is full of hidden temptations..

Blogging required a good deal of time.. & a process of thinking too deeply.. both of which i failed to qualify..

Now.. i have come up with good deal of issues.. which, overtime, has made me.. a hopeless thinker.. and i do waste a lot of time on surpassing thoughts..

So, I, on being proud of being eligible on the blogging requirements, felt pretty much a need (all for myself) to create a window to flush out all the thoughts that crept in my mind.. to set me free..

This blogging is basically a burial..
to give new experiences to life..

Blogging happened!

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